@ARTICLE{Janerka_K._Various_2022, author={Janerka, K. and Kostrzewski, Ł. and Stawarz, M. and Jezierski, J. and Szajnar, J.}, volume={vol. 67}, number={No 3}, journal={Archives of Metallurgy and Materials}, pages={1093-1098}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The article discusses benefits associated with the use of silicon carbide in the process of melting gray cast iron and ductile cast iron in induction electric furnaces. It presents the analysis of the impact of various charge materials and the addition of a variable amount of SiC and FeSi to the fixed charge when melting cast iron of grades GJS 400-15 and GJS 500-7 on mechanical properties and microstructure. Moreover, the article includes an analysis of the efficiency of carburization and the increase in the content of silicon during the application of SiC. The article also presents the results of the study of primary modification using silicon carbide at the minimum temperature of Temin eutectic and Tsol solidus. Based on analysis of the literature, conducted research, and calculations, it was found that the addition of silicon carbide has a beneficial impact on the properties of melted cast iron. The addition of SiC in the charge increases the content of C and Si without increasing the amount of contaminations. The addition of SiC at reduced pig iron presence in the charge decreases production costs, while the use of SiC as an inoculant increases both Temin and Tsol, which is beneficial from the point of view of cast iron nucleation.}, type={Article}, title={Various Aspects of Application of Silicon Carbide in the Process of Cast Iron Melting}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/124066/PDF/AMM-2022-3-39-Jezierski.pdf}, doi={10.24425/amm.2022.139708}, keywords={cast iron, ductile iron, silicon carbide, SiC, cast iron melting}, }