@ARTICLE{Chybińska_Alicja_Tadeusz_2022, author={Chybińska, Alicja}, number={No 2}, journal={Przegląd Filozoficzny. Nowa Seria}, pages={43-61}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Filozoficznych PAN}, publisher={Wydział Filozofii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego}, abstract={The main purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the approach to ambiguity presented in Tadeusz Pawłowski’s work Tworzenie pojęć w naukach humanistycznych („Creating concepts in the humanities”) (1986), to systematize and analyze this conception. Due to the fact that Pawłowski was a student of Tadeusz Kotarbiński and Janina Kotarbińska, and that he dealt with methodological issues concerning the language of science (and scientific philosophy), the background of my considerations is the tradition of the Lvov‑Warsaw School. In the article I also formulate some remarks on Pawłowski’s conception, as well as some other observations on ambiguity.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Tadeusz Pawłowski on the ambiguity of expressions}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/124111/PDF/2022-02-PFIL-03-Chybinska.pdf}, doi={10.24425/pfns.2022.141855}, keywords={ambiguity, amphiboly, correctness of terminology, defect, Lvov‑Warsaw School}, }