@ARTICLE{Pacholski_Leszek_Managerial_2022, author={Pacholski, Leszek}, volume={vol. 13}, number={No 3}, pages={30-38}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={The paper addresses a managerial problem related to ensuring cybersecurity of information and knowledge resources in production enterprises interested in the implementation of INDUSTRY 4.0 technologies. The material presented shows the results of experimental research of a qualitative nature, using two expert inventive methods: brain-netting and a fuzzy formula of inference. The experts' competences included the following three variants of the industrial application of the INDUSTRY 4.0 concept: (1) high production volumes achieved using a dedicated and fully robotic production line (2) the manufacture of short, personalized series of products through universal production cells, and (3) the manufacture of specialized unit products for individual customers. The Google Forms software was used to collect these expert opinions. The conclusions of the research carried out using the brain-netting method point to nine variants of the cybersecurity strategy of IT networks and knowledge base resources in manufacturing enterprises represented by the experts. The results of the research using the fuzzy formula of inference are numerically and situationally defined relations linking the above-mentioned nine strategies with five types of cyber-attacks. The summary record of these relations as the basis for managerial cybersecurity recommendations has a matrix form.}, title={Managerial Recommendations Concerning the Cybersecurity of Information and Knowledge Resources in Production Enterprises Implementing the Industry 4.0 Concept}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/124565/PDF-MASTER/3_757_corr.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mper.2022.142380}, keywords={management, cybersecurity, information and knowledge resources, Industry 4.0}, }