@ARTICLE{Kumari_Sushma_A_2022, author={Kumari, Sushma and Samanta, Sujoy Kumar}, volume={vol. 43}, number={No 2 (The International Chemical Engineering Conference 2021 (ICHEEC): 100 Glorious Years of Chemical Engineering and Technology, held from September 16–19, 2021 at Dr B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Guest editor: Dr Raj Kumar Arya, Dr Anurag Kumar Tiwari)}, journal={Chemical and Process Engineering}, pages={147-157}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering}, abstract={This meticulous analysiswas performed to guide in the designing of a prototypemono-mode microwave blood warmer. The interaction of two-dimensional cylindrical blood samples with the microwave was performed through two different techniques i.e., lateral and radial irradiations. The study found the preference for interaction techniques corresponding to different frequencies, intensities, sample sizes and procedure durations. The study of the areal positioning of power and temperature at specific peak points generated the information on warming rate and thermal homogeneity inside the sample. High warming rate along with low thermal non-homogeneity were the chosen criteria to decide the requirement of rotation during the warming procedure. At the frequency of 915 MHz, no rotation was recommended for samples irrespective of sizes for optimal warming. Rotation for small and large samples and no rotation for medium sized samples were recommended to achieve homogenously warmed human blood samples at the frequency of 2450 MHz. Specific recommendations for different case studies were also made with respect to the sample size, radiation intensity and procedure duration to draw reciprocity amongst them. Considering all the aspects, the present work recommended an efficient way for designing of a prototype for enhanced microwave facilitated intravenous fluid warmer.}, type={Article}, title={A two-dimensional study to aid the prototype designing of mono-mode microwave blood warmer}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/124694/PDF-MASTER/art05_int.pdf}, doi={10.24425/cpe.2022.140817}, keywords={microwave, 2D cylinder, blood warmer, human blood, lateral/radial irradiations}, }