@ARTICLE{Strzelczyk_Piotr_Method_2004, author={Strzelczyk, Piotr}, volume={vol. 51}, number={No 4}, journal={Archive of Mechanical Engineering}, pages={515-531}, address={In the paper, the author presents a certain approach to the calculation of performance of the propeller exposed to inclined inflow conditions. The method presented in the paper employs the results of vortex of propeller for averaged velocity field as well as momentum and angular momentum theorem for the propeller wake. The blade element in the model is regarded as a source of tangential and axial force. Thanks to the approximation of lift force coefficient vs. angle of attack by sine curve one can get a quadratic equation for local, axial velocity component. The approach allows us to avoid an iterative solution for the induced velocities. The tangential induced velocity may be calculated from the relations obtained from vortex theory of propeller. A profile drag is incorporated to the calculation when the value of inflow angle is known. The presented method was compared with available data for propeller operating at angle of attack and in the axial inflow. The comparison showed good agreement with experimental data for the thrust and power coefficients for a wide range of advance ratios and blade settings, and angles of attack ranging from 0-15 degrees.}, howpublished={online}, year={2004}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building}, type={Article}, title={Method of calculation of normal force on propeller at angle of attack by simplifed vortex method}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/125012/PDF/5_MECHANICAL_51_2004_4_Strzelczyk_Method.pdf}, keywords={propeller theory, propeller aerodynamics}, }