@ARTICLE{Khrychikov_V._The_2022, author={Khrychikov, V. and Semenov, O. and Meniailo, H. and Aftandiliants, Y. and Gnyloskurenko, S.}, volume={vol. 22}, number={No 4}, pages={79-84}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The formation process of one of the most common casting defects, a shrinkage depression concerned to shrinkage cavity, was studied. The methodology, device and the experimental set up were developed to study the shrinkage cavity growth. The kinetics of vacuum formation in the cavity of the spherical casting of Al-Si-Mg alloy at its solidification in the sand-and-clay form was investigated. The data were analysed taking in mind the temperature variation in the centre of crystallizing casting. The causes of the shrinkage depression in castings were clarified. It was determined that atmospheric pressure leads to the retraction and curvature of metal layer on the surface of the casting with lower strength below which the shrinkage cavity is formed. To avoid such defects it was recommended to use the external or internal chills, feeders and other known technological methods. Deep shrinkage cavities inside the castings could be removed with an air flow through a thin tubular needle of austenitic steels for medical injections.}, type={Article}, title={The Process of Vacuum Formation in the Shrinkage Cavity at Castings Crystallization}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/125441/PDF-MASTER/AFE%204_2022_11_final.pdf}, doi={10.24425/afe.2022.143953}, keywords={Shrinkage depression, Causes of defects, Shrinkage cavity, Device for measuring vacuum}, }