@ARTICLE{Bouschet_Maxime_Electro-optical_2023, author={Bouschet, Maxime and Arounassalame, Vignesh and Ramiandrasoa, Anthony and Perez, Jean-Philippe and Péré-Laperne, Nicolas and Ribet-Mohamed, Isabelle and Christol, Philippe}, volume={31}, number={special issue}, pages={e144549}, journal={Opto-Electronics Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences (under the auspices of the Committee on Electronics and Telecommunication) and Association of Polish Electrical Engineers in cooperation with Military University of Technology}, abstract={In the past ten years, InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattice has emerged as a promising technology for high-temperature mid-wave infrared photodetector. Nevertheless, transport properties are still poorly understood in this type of material. In this paper, optical and electro-optical measurements have been realised on InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattice mid-wave infrared photodetectors. Quantum efficiency of 50% is measured at 150 K, on the front side illumination and simple pass configuration. Absorption measurement, as well as lifetime measurement are used to theoretically calculate the quantum efficiency thanks to Hovel’s equation. Diffusion length values have been extracted from this model ranging from 1.55 µm at 90 K to 7.44 µm at 200 K. Hole mobility values, deduced from both diffusion length and lifetime measurements, varied from 3.64 cm²/Vs at 90 K to 37.7 cm²/Vs at 200 K. The authors then discuss the hole diffusion length and mobility variations within temperature and try to identify the intrinsic transport mechanisms involved in the superlattice structure.}, title={Electro-optical performance and anisotropic transport study of a Ga-free type-II superlattice barrier structure}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/126135/PDF/OPELRE_2023_31_Special_Issue_M_Bouschet.pdf}, doi={10.24425/opelre.2023.144549}, keywords={infrared photodetector, type-II superlattice, barrier structure, Ga-free, transport; anisotropy}, }