@ARTICLE{Skrzypek_Agnieszka_Adapting_2022, author={Skrzypek, Agnieszka and Baster, Natalia and Perera, Ian and Żądło, Anna and Stalmach-Przygoda, Agata and Szeliga, Marta and Cebula, Grzegorz}, volume={Vol. 62}, number={No 4}, journal={Folia Medica Cracoviensia}, pages={91-97}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Krakowie; Uniwersytet Jagielloński – Collegium Medicum}, abstract={Background: At the Department of Medical Education, Centre for Innovative Medical Education at Jagiellonian University Medical College, a completely remote OSCE (e-OSCE) was con-ducted for the first time using the Microsoft Teams platform. 255 test takers were tasked with presenting their communication and clinical skills in order to assess clinical reasoning. Aim: Analysis of the assessment of the OSCE adaptation to the requirements of the COVID-19 pandemic at the Department of Medical Educations in the form of the e-OSCE from the students’ perspective. Methods: Discussion of the OSCE modification was carried out among 6th-year medical students and graduates undergoing validation of their foreign medical degrees. In order to assess students’ opinions of the e-OSCE, we used questionnaires. The Statistica 12.0 program was used to analyse the results. Results: According to 91.57% of respondents, the e-OSCE was well-prepared. 60% of students strongly agree and 29.47% rather agree that the order of the stations was appropriate and clear. A majority of respondents rated the e-OSCE as fair. 66.32% of respondents strongly agree and rather agree that the proportions of communication and clinical skills were appropriate. The vast majority of the participants of the exam (81.05%) had enough time for individual stations. A statistically significant (p <0.0001) correla-tion was found between the type of classes and preparation for the e-OSCE. For 61.05% of respondents, the Laboratory Training of Clinical Skills course was the best preparation for students taking the e-OSCE. Taking into account the stressfulness of the OSCE, only 15.96% of students found the online form more stressful than the traditional (in-person) exam. Conclusions: The e-OSCE in students’ opinions was well-organized. Informing test-takers prior to the e-OSCE about the role of invigilators assessing individual stations should be improved. The e-OSCE has been proven to be suitable for assessing a wide range of material and validating communication and clinical skills in appropriate proportions. The e-OSCE is fair according to examinees’ opinion. The study proves that even in a pandemic, it is possible to prepare an online exam without exposing examiners and examinees to the dangers posed by COVID-19.}, type={Article}, title={Adapting the OSCE to the times of the COVID-19 pandemic. A look at the e-OSCE from the students’ perspective}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/126362/PDF-MASTER/2022-04-FMC-08.pdf}, doi={10.24425/fmc.2022.144086}, keywords={medical didactics, OSCE, medical education, OSCE during the COVID-19 pandemic, Department of Medical Education Jagiellonian University Medical College}, }