@ARTICLE{Ushakova_Evgeniya_Assessment_2023, author={Ushakova, Evgeniya and Menshikova, Elena and Karavaeva, Tatiana and Puzik, Alexey and Volkova, Margarita and Vaganov, Sergey}, number={No 56}, pages={109-117}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={Atmospheric deposition, vehicular transportation and de-icing agents are major sources polluted snow in urban. This study investigates the current trace elements concentrations of snow and de-icing using ICP-MS, and phytotoxicity using three vascular plants in snow. The study assesses the contamination, classification and phytotoxicity of snow quality removed from roads of residential areas and piled on children’s playgrounds in residential territories. The research found that according to Russian environmental quality standard for water has been identified the exceeding trace elements in snow by W, Se, Mn, Cu, V, Mo, Ni and Zn. The pollution indices ( PLI, CF and Zc) were identified pollution level of snow piles from moderate contamination to very high contamination. Based on average germination index values for Sinapis alba L., Lepidium sativum L., and Triticum aestivum L., the degree of inhibition in snow piles varied from no inhibition to strong inhibition. The trace elements content in de-icing “Galit А” and salt sand mix are defined in the following descending order: Zn > Mn > Ba > V > Rb > Sr and Mn > Ba > Cr > V > Sr > Ni, respectively. High concentrations of trace elements in snow piles are a source of environmental pollution. To prevent snow storage and disposal in residential areas should be involved in future studies of environmental pollution and circular economy, so that environmental managers can reduce threats to the environment and public health, as well as initiate circular economy projects in urban areas.}, type={Article}, title={Assessment of trace elements pollution in snow piles removed from residential areas in Perm, Russia}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/126450/PDF-MASTER/2023-01-JWLD-15.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2023.143751}, keywords={contamination level, de-icing agents, phytotoxicity, pollution sources, snow quality}, }