@ARTICLE{Szucki_M._Effect_2023, author={Szucki, M. and Piątkowski, J. and Czerepak, M.}, volume={vol. 23}, number={No 2}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, pages={112-118}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The article presents the most important causes of the unstable connection between cast iron ring inserts and the silumin casting of an engine piston. It is shown that manufacturing defects are mainly related to the alfin processing of inserts in Al-Si alloy (the so-called AS9 alloy). Exceeding the permissible iron content in AS9 alloy causes the crystallization of brittle -Al5FeSi phases. Their unfavorable morphology and large size are the main reasons for the weakening of the diffusion connection between the inserts and the piston, causing an unacceptable proportion of defective products. The study presented in this work was conducted under industrial conditions on a population of 10.000 pistons. Quality control data, production parameters, as well as the micro- and macro-structures of the cast iron inserts, and the interface area between the inserts and the silumin piston, were analyzed. Material and technological solutions have been proposed to reduce the occurrence of casting defects at the insert-piston joint. This includes the introduction of so-called "morphological correctors" of the -Al5FeSi phases, reducing the possibility of gaseous impurities in the AS9 alloy and optimizing the temperature of the alfin alloy.}, type={Article}, title={Effect of Iron Phases Crystallization on the Durability of the Bimetallic Connection Between Ring Inserts and the Piston Casting}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/127291/PDF/AFE%202_2023_16.pdf}, doi={10.24425/afe.2023.144302}, keywords={crystallization, Al-Si alloys, Iron phases, Piston casting, Automotive industry}, }