@ARTICLE{Błaszczak_Barbara_Distribution_2023, author={Błaszczak, Barbara and Mathews, Barbara and Słaby, Krzysztof and Klejnowski, Krzysztof}, volume={49}, number={2}, pages={95-103}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The aim of the study was to assess the profile of EC (elemental carbon) and OC (organic carbon) temperature fractions in PM1 and PM2.5 samples and in wet deposition samples (material collected on a filter). The research was conducted at the urban background station in Zabrze (southern Poland) in the period of Oct 2020–Oct 2021. PM samples were collected with high-volume samplers; the automatic precipitation collector NSA 181 by Eigenbrodt was used to collect the deposition samples. Concentrations of EC and OC were determined using thermal-optical method (carbon analyzer from Sunset Laboratory Inc., “eusaar_2” protocol). Regardless of the type of research material, organic carbon constituted the dominant part of the carbonaceous matter, and this dominance was more visible in the non-heating season. The profile of temperature fractions of OC and EC was clearly different for dust washed out by precipitation. Noteworthy is a much lower content of pyrolytic carbon (PC) in OC, which can be explained by the fact that PC is most often combined with the water soluble organic carbon. In addition, a high proportion of the OC3 fraction was observed, followed by OC4, which may indicate that these fractions are of a more regional origin. With regard to the EC fractions, the differences are less visible and concern, in particular, the higher share of EC4 and the lower EC2. The obtained results may be a valuable source of information about the actual status of the carbonaceous matter and its transformation in the atmosphere.}, type={Article}, title={Distribution of EC and OC temperature fractions in different research materials}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/127338/PDF/Archives%20vol%2049%20no%202pp95_103.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aep.2023.145901}, keywords={wet deposition, carbonaceous matter, fine PM, thermal-optical analysis}, }