@ARTICLE{Miyata_T._Assessment_2023, author={Miyata, T. and Higuchi, R. and Yokobori, K. and Seki, S. and Ishioka, K.}, volume={vol. 26}, number={No 2}, journal={Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences}, pages={307-309}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Veterinary Sciences}, publisher={University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn}, abstract={A separate, cat-specific hospitalization room away from dogs is recommended to reduce stress in cats; however, this can be difficult for some hospitals to provide. In such cases, measures are undertaken to reduce the cat’s stress by providing a place to hide. However, inability to observe the cat’s condition may be an obstacle to providing veterinary care. The use of a one-way mirror to create a sheltered environment while allowing observation of the cats was assessed. Five healthy cats were assessed using the Cat Stress Score (CSS) while in a cage with either a transparent panel or a one-way mirror. No significant differences in the CSS between the transparent panel and one-way mirror were observed. Variations in the CSS scores depended on the cat’s personality, with friendlier and more sociable cats showing a lower CSS with the one-way mirror. A one-way mirror may be useful to reduce stress in hospitalized cats.}, type={Short communication}, title={Assessment of feline hospitalization environment using a one-way mirror}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/127683/PDF/15%20_%20Miyata%20_%20Short.pdf}, doi={10.24425/pjvs.2023.145026}, keywords={Cat Stress Score, hospitalization, one-way mirror}, }