@ARTICLE{Hong_Sang-Bum_High_2023, author={Hong, Sang-Bum and Nyamgerel, Yalalt and Lee, Won Sang and Lee, Jeonghoon}, volume={vol. 44}, number={No 4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={365-384}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Polar snow and its accumulation preserve valuable information derived from the atmosphere on past climate and environmental changes in high resolution, particularly in coastal sites. A 2.5-m snow-pit was excavated from the coastal ice rise (Moore Dome) near Amundsen Sea region in February 2012. This study evaluated the isotopic and chemical compositions in the snow-pit and compared them with meteorological variables. Based on the seasonal peaks of the MSA and nssSO42– together with 18O, D, and d-excess, the snow-pit record was corresponded to accumulation during austral winter 2011 to summer 2011/2012. The annual mean accumulation rate was assumed thus to be as large as or even higher than 1.03 m w.e. yr–1 at this site. A relatively warm winter temperature in 2011 was traceable in the variations of 18O, D, and d-excess. This study emphasizes the importance of the high snow accumulation observed at this site in providing valuable information on sub-annual variations in climate and environmental changes through the study of longer ice cores.}, type={Article}, title={High snow accumulation on Amundsen Sea coastal ice rise, West Antarctica}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/127846/PDF/Accepted_Hong.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ppr.2023.145440}, keywords={Antarctica, Bear Peninsula, Moore Dome, snow-pit}, }