@ARTICLE{Ghildyal_Abhishek_Effect_2023, author={Ghildyal, Abhishek and Bisht, Vijay Singh and Bhandari, Prabhakar and Rawat, Kamal Singh}, volume={vol. 44}, number={No 2}, pages={3-20}, journal={Archives of Thermodynamics}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={The Committee of Thermodynamics and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Sciences and The Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={As the cost of fuel rises, designing efficient solar air heaters (SAH) becomes increasingly important. By artificially roughening the absorber plate, solar air heaters’ performance can be augmented. Turbulators in different forms like ribs, delta winglets, vortex generators, etc. have been introduced to create local wall turbulence or for vortex generation. In the present work, a numerical investigation on a solar air heater has been conducted to examine the effect of three distinct turbulators (namely D-shaped, reverse D- and U-shaped) on the SAH thermo-hydraulic performance. The simulation has been carried out using the computational fluid dynamics, an advanced and modern simulation technique for Reynolds numbers ranging from 4000 to 18000 (turbulent airflow). For the purpose of comparison, constant ratios of turbulator height/hydraulic diameter and pitch/turbulator height, of 0.021 and 14.28, respectively, were adopted for all SAH configurations. Furthermore, the fluid flow has also been analyzed using turbulence kinetic energy and velocity contours. It was observed that the U-shaped turbulator has the highest value of Nusselt number followed by D-shaped and reverse D-shaped turbulators. However, in terms of friction factor, the D-shaped configuration has the highest value followed by reverse D-shaped and U-shaped geometries. It can be concluded that among all SAH configurations considered, the U-shaped has outperformed in terms of thermohydraulic performance factor.}, title={Effect of D-shaped, reverse D-shaped and U-shaped turbulators in solar air heater on thermo-hydraulic performance}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/128037/PDF-MASTER/art01_int.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ather.2023.146556}, keywords={CFD, renewable energy, Solar air heater, Turbulence kinetic energy, Thermohydraulic performance}, }