@ARTICLE{Mardiansyah_Heru_Community_2023, author={Mardiansyah, Heru and Suwilo, Saib and Nababan, Erna Budiarti and Efendi, Syahril}, volume={vol. 69}, number={No 3}, journal={International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications}, pages={593-598}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications}, abstract={The contribution main from this research is modularity and better processing time in detecting community by using K-1 coloring. Testing performed on transaction datasets remittance on P2P platforms where the Louvain Coloring algorithm is better in comparison to Louvain Algorithm Data used is data transfer transactions made by customers on the P2P Online platform. The data is the User data that has information transfer transactions, Card data that has information card, IP data that has IP information, and Device data that has information device. Every user owns unique 128-bit identification, and other nodes representing card, device, and IP are assigned a random UUID. The Device node has the guide, and device properties. IP nodes only have property guide and node User has property fraud Money Transfer, guide, money Transfer Error Cancel Amount, first Charge back Date. Each node has a unique 128-bit guide, with the amount whole of as many as 789,856 nodes. Application technique K-1 staining on Louvain algorithm shows enhancement value modularity and better processing time for detecting community on the network large scale. Through a series of exercises and tests carried out in various scenarios, it shows that the experiments carried out in this paper, namely the Louvain Coloring algorithm, are more effective and efficient than the Louvain algorithm in scenario 1,3, and 5 meanwhile For Scenarios 2 and 4 Louvain Algorithm is better.}, type={Article}, title={Community Clustering on Fraud Transactions Applied the Louvain-Coloring Algorithm}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/128301/PDF-MASTER/25-26-4172-Mardiansyah-sk-ver.2-1.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ijet.2023.146512}, keywords={fraud Money Transfer, Louvain Coloring algorithm, Louvain Algorithm}, }