@ARTICLE{Mossa_Monga_Ibrahim_Antifungal_2023, author={Mossa, Monga Ibrahim and El-Sharkawy, Eman E.S. and ElSharawy, Ahmed A.}, volume={vol. 63}, number={No 3}, pages={340–349}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={This study illustrates the antifungal activity of green biosynthesis of a silver nanoparticle solution using one of Sinai’s natural plant extracts, namely Zygophyllum album which was used as a stabilizer and reducing agent to reduce Ag+ to metallic silver. In this study the plant extract was prepared by boiling in water for 10 min., 70% ethanol and wet autoclaving for 5 min. AgNPs were prepared using these three different extract methods. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) and zeta potential techniques were employed to characterize the synthesis of nanoparticles. The size of particles ranged from 6.28 nm to 28.89 nm at x100 and the zeta potential had one peak at –16.6 mean (mV) at area 100% for green synthesized AgNPs from Z. album prepared from boiling in water for 10 min. The size of particles ranged from 6.64 nm to 54.82nm at 100x and the zeta potential had one peak at – 12.9 mean (mV) at 100% area for green synthesized AgNPs from the plant ethanol extract. The size of particles ranged from 9.39 nm to 31.93 nm at 100x and the zeta potential had one peak – 19.8 mean (mV) at 100% area for green synthesized AgNPs from the wet autoclaved plant extract of Z. album for 5 min. All treatments of plant extract and AgNPs solutions, prepared from these plant extracts of Zygophyllum album, were compared with the positive control and Tachigaren – 30% W/P was conducted on the radial growth of F. oxysporium and caused antifungal activity with a high inhibition percent. There was a highly significant difference between the various extraction techniques. Increasing the concentration of treatments was accompanied with a significant effect on Fusarium wilt. Thus, this study may provide a good alternative approach to control Fusarium wilt disease in the field and under storage conditions of vegetables. Our study suggests that silver nanoparticles of plant extracts can be used for controlling Fusarium wilt.}, title={Antifungal activity of silver nanoparticles green biosynthesis from the extract of Zygophyllum album (L.f.) on Fusarium wilt}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/128319/PDF-MASTER/OA_06_JPPR_63_3_1628_Mossa%20(003).pdf}, doi={10.24425/jppr.2023.146874}, keywords={antifungal activity, Fusarium oxysporum, green synthesis, TEM, Zygophyllum album, zeta potential}, }