@ARTICLE{Stadnicka_Dorota_A_2023, author={Stadnicka, Dorota and BONCI, Andrea and LONGHI, Sauro and PIRANI, Massimiliano and DEC, Grzegorz}, volume={vol. 14}, number={No 3}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={The dynamically changing environment forces companies to introduce changes in production processes and the need for employees to adapt quickly to new tasks. Therefore, it is expected to implement solutions to support employees. The system that will manage the work on a manufacturing line should work in real time to support the ongoing activities and, to be implemented in SMEs, must not be expensive. The authors identified important system components and expected functionalities. The methodology of the work is based on humancentered design. A concept of a cyber-physical system is proposed. The aim of the proposed edge computing-based system is to manage the work on the manufacturing line in which certain elements communicate with each other to achieve common goals. The paper presents what the system can consist of, how information and knowledge are managed in the system, and what can be the benefits for enterprises from its implementation.}, title={A Concept of an SME Focused Edge Computing Self-managingCyber-physical System}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/128801/PDF-MASTER/art01_corr.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mper.2023.147186}, keywords={cyber-physical system, Information communication, knowledge management, Edge computing, E-kanban}, }