@ARTICLE{Tortora_Alessia_Maria_Rosaria_A_2023, author={Tortora, Alessia Maria Rosaria and DI PASQUALE, Valentina and IANNONE, Raffaele}, volume={vol. 14}, number={No 3}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={Maintenance involves a large amount of data management. Although many tools, strategies, and systems, have been developed to organize the maintenance information resources, SMEs have not found the same benefits as large companies due to their inherent characteristics and, above all, the maturity level of the maintenance department. Maturity models are useful tools for assessing the maturity of maintenance information practices; however, existing models are not suitable for any type of business context, as they required companies to have a clear organizational structure and definite informative infrastructure. Moreover, they do not assist in identifying and defining actions to reach the highest level. This paper proposes a model for assessing and improving maintenance management information practices. It allows a clear measure of the maturity of the maintenance information management practices in industrial contexts and provides improvement actions identifying the information and data needed to enhance maintenance management information practices.}, title={A Strategic Roadmap to Improve the Maturity Level of Maintenance Information Management Systems}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/128811/PDF/art08_corr.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mper.2023.147193}, keywords={Industrial maintenance, Maintenance management information systems, MMIS, Small andMedium Enterprises, SME, Maintenance maturity models}, }