@ARTICLE{Kaszuba_Maja_Performance_2023, author={Kaszuba, Maja and Ziółkowski, Paweł and Mikielewicz, Dariusz}, volume={vol. 44}, number={No 3}, pages={63-81}, journal={Archives of Thermodynamics}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={The Committee of Thermodynamics and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Sciences and The Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The paper presents a thermodynamic analysis of the integration of a cryogenic air separation unit into a negative CO 2 emission gas power plant. The power cycle utilizes sewage sludge as fuel so this system fits into the innovative idea of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage. A cryogenic air separation unit integrated with the power plant was simulated in professional plant engineering and thermodynamic process analysis software. Two cases of the thermodynamic cycle have been studied, namely with the exhaust bleed for fuel treatment and without it. The results of calculations indicate that the net efficiencies of the negative CO 2 emission gas power plant reach 27.05% (combustion in 95.0% pure oxygen) and 24.57% (combustion in 99.5% pure oxygen) with the bleed. The efficiencies of the cycle without the bleed are 29.26% and 27.0% for combustion in 95.0% pure oxygen and 99.5% pure oxygen, respectively. For the mentioned cycle, the calculated energy penalty of oxygen production was 0.235 MWh/kgO 2 for the lower purity value. However, for higher purity namely 99.5%, the energy penalty of oxygen production for the thermodynamic cycle including the bleed and excluding the bleed was indicated 0.346 and 0.347 MWh/kgO 2, respectively. Additionally, the analysis of the oxygen purity impact on the carbon dioxide purity at the end of the carbon capture and storage installation shows that for the case with the bleed, CO 2 purities are 93.8% and 97.6%, and excluding the bleed they are 93.8% and 97.8%, for the mentioned oxygen purities respectively. Insertion of the cryogenic oxygen production installation is required as the considered gas power plant uses oxy-combustion to facilitate carbon capture and storage method.}, title={Performance of cryogenic oxygen production unit with exhaust gas bleed for sewage sludge gasification and different oxygen purities}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/129462/PDF-MASTER/art03_int.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ather.2023.147537}, keywords={Thermodynamic analysis, Oxy-combustion of syngas, BECCS, Cryogenic air separation, Penalty of oxygen production}, }