@ARTICLE{Rossignoli_Chiara_Preliminary_2023, author={Rossignoli, Chiara and Caruso, Marco and Jommi, Cristina and Sterpi, Donatella}, number={No 59}, pages={202-207}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={Failures that occurred in the last few decades highlighted the need to raise awareness about the emergent risk related to the impact localised degradation phenomena have on embankments. Common interventions aimed to improve embankments, such as the reconstruction of the damaged area or the injection of low-pressure grouts to fill fractures and burrows, may cause the weakening of the structure due to discontinuities between natural and treated zones. Moreover, since such repair techniques require huge volumes of materials, more sustainable solutions are encouraged. At the same time, the textile and fashion industries are looking for sustainable waste management and disposal strategies to face environmental problems concerned with the voluminous textile waste dispatched to landfills or incinerators. The use of soil mixed with textile waste in embankment improvement has been investigated to identify an effective engineering practice and to provide a strategy for the circular economy of textiles. Preliminary laboratory tests have been conducted on soil specimens collected from the Secchia River embankment, Northern Italy, to define the appropriate mixture proportions and to compare physical properties and hydro-mechanical behaviour of natural and treated soils. The results show that an appropriate fibre content offers manageable and relatively homogeneous mixtures. The indluence on soil consistency is mainly due to the textile fibre hydrophilic nature. The addition of fibres reduces the maximum dry density and increases the optimum water content. At low stress levels, the compressibility and hydraulic conductivity appear higher, however macro voids produced during sample preparation may alter the findings.}, title={Preliminary experimental investigation into the use of recycled fibres from textile waste for the improvement of embankments}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/129991/2023-04-JWLD-24.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2023.147245}, keywords={circular economy, embankment, experimental technique, reinforced soil, textile waste}, }