@ARTICLE{Nowak_Paweł_Delimitation_2018, author={Nowak, Paweł}, journal={Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie}, pages={335–342}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Krakowie}, abstract={In the structure of cities functional and spatial transformations are constant and are reflected in their contemporary landscape. The enormous scale of present cities creates difficulties in managing their heterogeneous landscape. This city landscape is composition of a number of different landscape units with distinct characteristics and values. Identification and delimitation of those landscape units based on field and study research could therefore be the key for urban landscape management. The current administrative city districts do not include landscape in as material for administration. In one administrational city district even few landscape units can be found. The delimitation of city landscapes as a part of Local Spatial Development Plan may be the basis for setting detailed guidelines for landscape administration. Landscape units therefore could become efficient management tool for urban landscaping.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Delimitation of architectonic-landscape units as key for efficient management of the city land}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/130355/PDF-MASTER/Teka-2018-22.pdf}, keywords={landscape management, delimitation of city landscape units}, }