@ARTICLE{Sebbagh_Toufik_Modeling,_2024, author={Sebbagh, Toufik}, volume={72}, number={4}, pages={e150115}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, abstract={The power sector confronts a crucial challenge in identifying sustainable and environmentally friendly energy carriers, with hydrogen emerging as a promising solution. This paper focuses on the modeling, analysis, and techno-economic evaluation of an independent photovoltaic (PV) system. The system is specifically designed to power industrial loads while simultaneously producing green hydrogen through water electrolysis. The emphasis is on utilizing renewable sources to generate hydrogen, particularly for fueling hydrogen-based cars. The study, conducted in Skikda, Algeria, involves a case study with thirty-two cars, each equipped with a 5 kg hydrogen storage tank. Employing an integrated approach that incorporates modeling, simulation, and optimization, the techno-economic analysis indicates that the proposed system provides a competitive, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution, with a rate of 0.239 \$/kWh. The examined standalone PV system yields 24.5 GWh/year of electrical energy and produces 7584 kg/year of hydrogen. The findings highlight the potential of the proposed system to address the challenges in the power sector, offering a sustainable and efficient solution for both electricity generation and hydrogen production.}, title={Modeling, analysis, and techno-economic assessment of a clean power conversion system with green hydrogen production}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/130876/PDF-MASTER/BPASTS_2024_72_4_4228.pdf}, doi={10.24425/bpasts.2024.150115}, keywords={green hydrogen, PV systems, electrolysis, energy conversion, techno-economic, optimization}, }