@ARTICLE{Gruzdeviene_Elvyra_The_2003, author={Gruzdeviene, Elvyra and Dabkevicius, Zenonas}, volume={vol. 43}, number={No 3}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={205-212}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={One of the most serious seed-borne diseases of flax is anthracnose or seedling blight caused by Colletotrichum lini (West.) Toch. This disease affects flax seedlings, leaves, stems, and fruit bags. It causes reductions in linseed germination power, stand density, stem and linseed yield, fibre output and quality. During 1999-2001 experiments were carried out at the Lithuanian Institute ofAgriculture Upyte Experimental Station to test the efficacy of seven fungicides used for seed dressing against flax anthracnose and other seedborne diseases. Experimental findings indicated that 19.0% to 34.0% of flax seeds were annually infected with C. lini (West.) Toch. causing flax anthracnose. As the disease can spread through the soil, on control plots sown with untreated with fungicides seeds 33.0% to 79.5% of seedlings showed symptoms of anthracnose. Seed treatment with Sportak 45 EC used at the dose 0.8 l f1 and Maxim Star 025 FS used at the dose 1.51 t-1 gave the best control of seedling blight causal agents. Their biological efficacy was as follows: against seed anthracnose 97.3% and 96.3%, at seedling stage, 76.5% and 76.3%, at 'fir-tree' stage - 67.8% and 60.4%. Biological efficacy of the other seed treaters was lower. The highest straw yield increases resulted from seed treatment with the Maxim Star 025 FS and Sportak 45 EC - 0.5 and 0.3 t ha" or 11.0% and 6.2%, respectively. The effect of fungicides used for seed treatment on linseed yield was similar. Maxim Star 025 FS increased the yield on average by 22.1%, and Sportak 45 EC and Premis 25 FS by 13. 7% and 13.3%. The other fungicides, except for Raxil 2 WS and Rovral FLO, also had a positive effect on flax straw and linseed yield, however, in all experimental years the increases were not higher than the least significant difference.}, type={Article}, title={The control of flax anthracnose [Colletotrichum lini (West.) Toch.] by fungicidal seed treatment}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/130885/PDF-MASTER/4_PLANT_43_3_2003_Gruzdeviene_The_Control.pdf}, keywords={flax, anthracnose, seed treatment, straw and linseed yield}, }