@ARTICLE{Khelifa_Mohammed_Water_2024, author={Khelifa, Mohammed and Khedidja, Abdelhamid and Mansour, Hamidi and Azzeddine, Reghais}, number={No 61}, pages={11-20}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The aquifers in the M’léta Plain are crucial for supplying drinking water and supporting industrial and agricultural water needs. However, they are facing a pollution risk and environmental degradation. The present study aims to assess the groundwater quality in the M’léta Plain, focusing on its physicochemical properties, statistics of the aquifer, pollution risks, and factors influencing the water mineralisation process. The analysis of 16 samples reveals that the water contains high levels of sulphates and chlorides, often accompanied by sodium, calcium, or magnesium. This suggests two distinct water types or facies: one characterised by sodium chloride or calcium chloride, and the other with calcic or sodic sulphate waters, sometimes including magnesium sulphate. These facies may be attributed to the influence of different formations at the outcrop. Statistical analyses reveal a strong correlation between electrical conductivity and the majority of chemical elements, indicating the impact of freshwater interacting with the underlying rock formations on mineralisation. Some results also show undersaturation of certain minerals. Furthermore, the study evaluates the water's suitability for irrigation in the M’léta Plain in accordance with Richards’ classification.}, type={Article}, title={Water resources and physicochemical properties of the Mio-Pliocene aquifer complex in the M’leta Plain, Western Algeria}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/130965/2024-02-JWLD-02.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2024.149129}, keywords={aquifer, hydrochemistry, hydrogeology, Mio-Pliocene complex, pollution}, }