@ARTICLE{KACZMAR_Ireneusz_The_2024, author={KACZMAR, Ireneusz and BANYAI, Tamás}, volume={No 1}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={The purpose of the work presented here is a comparative analysis of two methods of solving the problem of optimizing the working time and path length of operators for manual harvesting of raspberries over an area of one hectare. An analytical solution is a method of solving mathematical problems based on finding an exact formula that describes a phenomenon or process. A simulation solution is the opposite of a numerical solution, which is based on calculating an approximation using statistical methods. An analytical and simulation approach will be presented to show how to calculate the number of workers needed, the minimum working time and the length of the path taken by raspberry fruit pickers. The results obtained for the two methods are compared.}, title={The Optimal Routing of Raspberry Pickers in an Analytical and Simulation Approach}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/131011/PDF/1015_2k.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mper.2024.149998}, keywords={raspberries, harvest optimization, shortest path simulation, flexsim, raspberry cultivation}, }