@ARTICLE{He_Wanting_Research_2024, author={He, Wanting and Huang, Hai}, volume={vol. 45}, number={No 1}, journal={Archives of Thermodynamics}, pages={129-135}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={The Committee of Thermodynamics and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Sciences and The Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Building heating is an indispensable part of people's winter life in cold regions, but energy conservation and emission reduction should also be taken into account during the heating process. This paper provides a concise overview of the heating system based on air-source heat pump radiant floor and its control strategy. It also optimizes a control system based on thermal comfort and energy efficiency ratio, and analyzes a room in Xining City, Qinghai Province, to test the heating system performance under two control strategies. The final results show that under the traditional control strategy, the cumulative working time of the heating system within a day was 15 hours, the average indoor temperature was 17.36℃, the temperature standard deviation was 2.08℃, and the average power consumption was 189.6 kWh. Under the improved control strategy, the cumulative working time of the heating system within a day was reduced to 10 hours, the average indoor temperature was 18.56℃, the temperature standard deviation was 0.92℃, and the average power consumption was 132.5 kWh.}, type={Article}, title={Research on optimization of the heating system in buildings in cold regions by energy-saving control}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/131261/PDF-MASTER/13_AOT-00592-2023_Huang--czysty.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ather.2024.150445}, keywords={Building heating, Cold region, Energy efficiency control, Radiant floor}, }