@ARTICLE{Kapusta_Mariusz_Model_2024, author={Kapusta, Mariusz and Bąk, Patrycja and Sukiennik, Marta}, volume={vol. 69}, number={No 2}, pages={253-270}, journal={Archives of Mining Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Committee of Mining PAS}, abstract={The article presents the results of research on the level of work safety culture, which is an important element influencing the organisational culture in mining enterprises. The article aims to measure the safety culture among managers in Polish hard coal mines. The assumed goal was achieved in the area of literature and empirical research. Research shows that the precise identification of hazards defined the thematic areas shaping safe working conditions in underground mines. The main part of the work was to survey 135 employees in 3 hard coal companies in Poland. The questionnaires were developed in cooperation with mining experts, and the 5-point Likert scale was used to evaluate individual questions. This methodological approach identified the subjective feelings and experiences of employees for building appropriate attitudes and behaviours that shape the organisational culture. The use of a culture grid enabled the creation of seven thematic groups of safety areas related to the so-called referents of organisational culture. The result of the empirical research is to propose an approach for the transformation of safety culture in the selected area for mining companies. The approach uses the organisational culture grid to shape the attitudes and behaviours of employees, which identifies and designates weak areas, defining them as unsatisfactory and unacceptable, and being the key conclusion of the research.}, title={Model of the Formation of Work Safety Culture in Polish Mining Enterprises}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/131623/PDF-MASTER/Archiwum-69-2-06-Kapusta.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ams.2024.150344}, keywords={organisational culture, mining enterprise, occupational health and safety, safety grid, hard coal mine}, }