@ARTICLE{Escobedo_Bocardo_Jose_C._Numerical_2003, author={Escobedo Bocardo, Jose C. and Pedroza Cervantes, L. del Carmen and Donizak, Jerzy and Kolenda, Zygmunt}, number={No 1}, pages={53-73}, journal={Archives of Metallurgy and Materials}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Solidification modeling based on classical macroscopic energy, mass, momentum and solute continuity equations does not allow lo predict of microstructural parameters satisfactorily. In past decades several aucmps have been made for the developing of modelling methodology for the coupling macro transport equations with the transformation kinetics in the micro scale. The micromodeling focused to the multicomponent alloys is still rare, despite the majority of the new industrial alloys are formed from complex multicomponent systems. The paper presents the micromodeling procedure coupled with thermodynamic calculation and experimental investigations for the Co-Cr-Mo alloys, frequently used as biomaterials for the production of endoprotheses. Both, experimental and numerical results showed that: the grain structure is mainly influenced by the cooling rate, the partition coefficients exhibit significant dependency on the cooling rate (especially for molybdenum), the high cooling rate promotes early formation of fine intragranular carbides. The experimentally obtained values of latent heat of solidification exhibit important dependency on the initial carbon content, and cannot be ignored in solidification simulations. The solidification modeling results have been verified using cooling curve analysis and metallografic investigations. It seems, that the model can be used in engineering applications for solidification simulations.}, title={Numerical Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Co-Cr-Mo Alloys Solidification}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/131672/PDF-MASTER/6_METALLURGY_48_1_2003_Bocardo_NUMERICAL.pdf}, }