@ARTICLE{Petrov_Ivan_Antonov_Regression_2024, author={Petrov, Ivan Antonov}, volume={vol. 27}, number={No 2}, pages={89-104}, journal={Polityka Energetyczna - Energy Policy Journal}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i EnergiÄ… PAN}, abstract={The complex nature of the combustion process, which simultaneously obeys the laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer, aerodynamics and the chemical kinetics of oxidation reactions, makes numerical modelling very difficult and the experimental approach is currently playing a crucial role in their investigation. The modern highly developed theory of experimental design combines various analytical procedures that allow, with a minimum number of experiments, the obtaining of maximum information about the physical or technological processes under investigation, the properties of materials and phenomena. The ability to determine the influence of the main mode and design parameters on the geometrical characteristics of the flare is a prerequisite for effectively influencing the combustion process in order to intensify it. The present work is an introduction to the methods of planning and knowledge of multifactorial experiments, including: the preparation, conduct and processing of experimental results; mastering the methodology of experimental research; using the methods of mathematical statistics and regression analysis to plan experiments; developing the ability to analyze the object of study; correctly selecting the optimization parameter and the essential factors of the object of study; building an experiment planning matrix to obtain an adequate mathematical model of the object. The objective of this work is to propose an approach to study the effect of mode and design parameters, on the basic dimensions and shape of the gas flare, based on regression analysis of experimental data in the study of the performance of a flat flame burner.}, title={Regression analysis of experimental data in a study of the performance of a flat flame burner}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/131766/05-PE-27-2-02%20-%20PETROV.pdf}, keywords={factorial experiment, regression analysis, combustion, flat flame burner}, }