@ARTICLE{Dinh_Hoan_Nguyen_Carbonate_2001, author={Dinh Hoan, Nguyen}, number={No 2}, pages={63-73}, journal={Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Komitet Zrównoważonej Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi PAN}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={The deposits and demonstrated carbonate rocks (limestones, marbles and dolomite) resources in northern part of Vietnam are presented, as well as the possibility of their utilization in particular regions of the country, delimited by socio-economic conditions. Up to present on the terrritory ofNorth Vietnam there are 115 explored limestone deposits, 21 marble depositds and 18 deposits of dolomite. They occur mostly within Devonian, Permian-Carboniferous and Middle Triassic formations. There are 11700 mln metric tons of documented limestone resources, about 200 mln mt marble and about 3 mln mt of dolomite. They are utilized as dimmension and crushed stones, for lime and cement production (with suplementary clays as low lime component), in metallurgy, paper propduction and chemical industry and for other industrial purposcrs. The demand for carbonate row materials may be covered during the nearest 70 years by indicated resources (explored in C1 category) and during 100 years, if inferred resources (ecxplored in C2 category) are considered. The possibility of exploitation and utilization of carbonate rocks are varied in particular regions, depending of deposit size and resrerves, rock quality, geographical location, as well as geomorphological conditions, terrain accessibility and comunication network. The best conditions for industrial utilization oflimestone deposits exist in region of Red River (Devonian and Middle Triassic limestones), and less favorable in decreasing order in regions: Bak Truog Bo (Middle Triassic, Devonian and Permo--Carboniferous limestones), Dong Bak (Permo-Carboniferous and Devonian limestones) and Tay Bak (Triassic limestones).}, title={Carbonate rocks (limestone, marble, dolomite) resources of North Vietnam and perspectives of their utilization}, type={Artykuł}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/132744/PDF-MASTER/6_GSM_17_2_2001_Hoan_Zasoby.pdf}, keywords={Limestone deposits, resources, Vietnam}, }