@ARTICLE{Martyniak_Jerzy_The_2000, author={Martyniak, Jerzy}, number={No 1}, pages={Gospodarka surowcami mineralnymi}, pages={błąd szacowania}, pages={ryzyko decyzji}, pages={reprezentatywność próbki}, journal={Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Komitet Zrównoważonej Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi PAN}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={In this paper there is characterized the influence ofcloseness ofmineral quality estimation over the risk ofsuffering a financial loss. This loss is caused by the decision based on the quality evaluation of a mineral lot according to the received determination results. There is payed attention to the importance of likelihood that the real quality parameters of mineral lot are finded aut the utmost of the permissible tolerance for determination results. This likelihood is a essential factor for the sayed risk and is directly formed by the probability that the real quality parameters are found inside the spaces corresponding to the established estimation tolerances. The forming probability is called the confidence level and in common with these spaces termed the confidence intervals, are the criterion for assessment of statistical closeness pertaining to the mineral lot multidimensional quality. This closeness is consequent upon the estimation method used. The traditional method is not agreed with the principles of the representativeness method. The practiced estimation is onedimcnsional while majority ofmineral qualities are multidomensional and/or multivectorial. There is broached the uncertainly arrising at when the traditional method is applied to determinate a multidimensional and/or multivectorial mineral quality. In the case ofarriving at the decision concerns a mineral quality class on the basis of the results represented the mineral quality obtained by the traditional method, it has proved that the uncertainly very increases. The decision risk follows this method is adequately increased. The risk of decision based on the quality evaluation, can be decreased to the desirable level on condition of using the fit variant of the multidimensional- multivectorial method for mineral quality estimation. Then the decisions assign the mineral qualities pointed aut by determination results, as real, will be correct.}, title={The condition for decreasing of risk consequent on the error of estimation the quality parameters decisive what is the quality class assigned to a mineral lot}, type={Artykuł}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/132765/PDF/3_GSM_16_1_2000_Martyniak_Warunek.pdf}, keywords={economy, minerals, quality evaluation, decision risk, sample representativeness}, }