@ARTICLE{Frysztacka-Szkróbka_Urszula_Decoding_2001, author={Frysztacka-Szkróbka, Urszula}, number={vol. 22}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={131-146}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={The article presents the initial results of the research on the university students' ability to decode hidden messages in the language of propaganda as it has a strong influence on our understanding of the social reality we live in and on language communication. This is only a part of the broad design on the subject indicated in the title of the paper and developed in its /111rod11c11011. This article will present the results of the initial research concerning the students' reaction to the written text to be understood with the help of critical reading. There are two parts of the research called by the author 'step one' and 'step two'. ·Step one' was already published in full (cf.Frysztacka-Szkróbka 1999). However it was necessary to summarise the results of ·step one' research in this article so as 10 be able to compare them with those obtained in 'step two'. Thus the final conclusions seem to be more reliable. The final goal (after having completed the whole research) will be to find ways of increasing the skill of critical thinking necessary to decode hidden messages.}, type={Article}, title={Decoding hidden messages through critical thinking}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/133007/PDF-MASTER/11_SILESIANA_22_Frysztacka_Szkrobka_DECODING.pdf}, }