@ARTICLE{Cutillo_Enrico_A._Enhancing_2024, author={Cutillo, Enrico A. and Neupauer, Krzysztof and Continillo, Gaetano and Bizon, Katarzyna}, volume={vol. 45}, number={No 4}, pages={e76}, journal={Chemical and Process Engineering: New Frontiers}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering}, abstract={Systems based on physical sorption are an attractive solution for CO2 capture from flue gases, biogas upgrading or gas storage. Besides the sorbent choice, one of the most important factors related to the design of such systems is proper heat management. Commonly used sorbents typically have low thermal conductivity. Nevertheless, catalyst particles characterized by high conductivity are inherently present in adsorptive (hybrid) reactors. Thus, appropriate structuring of hybrid beds can be used for controlling temperature profiles and improving the bed performance. In this study, the behaviour of a nonadiabatic adsorptive reactor described by a two-dimensional model was analysed for the adsorption step. The effect on the CO2 adsorption performance of different spatial distributions of functionalities in the bed was investigated. The optimality problem for nonuniform radial distribution of sorbent and catalyst in the bed was solved, indicating that such a configuration is a potentially important direction for structuring hybrid beds. Results demonstrate that the optimal configuration of radially distributed functionalities significantly increases the amount of CO2 absorbed under identical boundary and initial conditions for the bed. It appears that precise control of the heat generated and removed from the bed is achievable. Such control could be advantageous for the regeneration phase.}, title={Enhancing carbon dioxide adsorption in a hybrid fixed bed via structuring and thermal management: a numerical study}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/133043/e76_CPE-00186-2024-02-Accepted%20Article_29.10.pdf}, doi={10.24425/cpe.2024.149471}, keywords={CO2 sequestration, hybrid fixed bed, structured bed, thermal management, adsorptive reactor optimization}, }