@ARTICLE{Padewska-Jurczak_Agnieszka_Determination_2025, author={Padewska-Jurczak, Agnieszka and Buliński, Zbigniew and Krysiński, Tomasz}, volume={73}, number={1}, pages={e152706}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2025}, abstract={The aim of the paper is to determine the aerodynamic forces acting on a torus-shaped structure fragment at high wind velocity which are impossible to obtain from the existing standard EN 1991-1-4 (the so-called wind standard). The most important problem is the correct modeling of turbulence and laminar-turbulent transition in the conditions of flow interference resulting from the presence of other obstacles. For this reason, forces are obtained by two methods: fluid-structure interaction (FSI, force transfer) and user-defined functions (UDF). Variations of the total aerodynamic lift force of the half of the torus with angle β and velocity of wind w, and the formula for estimating the horizontal force Pz perpendicular to drag force are presented. Additionally, useful engineering parameters (such as pressure distribution and air velocity field) are determined. The forces of wind influence on two cylinders and a torus-shaped object are obtained and compared.}, title={Determination of wind force acting on an object in the shape of a bent pipe}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/133123/PDF/BPASTS-04352-EA.pdf}, doi={10.24425/bpasts.2024.152706}, keywords={wind action, water slide, fluid-structure interaction (FSI), user-defined functions (UDF), finite volume method (FVM), finite element method (FEM)}, }