@ARTICLE{Jamel_Thamer_M._Efficient_2024, author={Jamel, Thamer M. and Al-Shuwaili, Ali}, volume={vol. 70}, number={No 4}, pages={915-921}, journal={International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications}, abstract={A The next generation of wireless systems, like 5G/6G, ought to accommodate a wide range of potential use cases like massive real-time and machine-type communications. Accordingly, such systems need to provide high throughput, low latency, and a low peak to average power ratio (PAPR). It is not feasible to fulfil each of these needs with a single 5G/6G technique. On one hand, MIMO technique can potentially improve spectral efficiency and hence support more date rates. On the other hand, the utilization of multi-carriers’ techniques like FBMC/OQAM, or offset quadrature amplitude modulation, offers a compelling substitute for the traditional cyclic prefix-based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CP-OFDM) because of its excellent spectral efficiency and extremely low out-of-band radiation. However, the FBMC/OQAM orthogonality constraint is loosened, confined to the real field alone, resulting in intrinsic interference. This interference causes incompatibilities between FBMC/OQAM and certain MIMO schemes. Also, equalizing the time-varying MIMO channel is even more difficult when the complex valued symbol—which includes both real and imaginary FBMC/OQAM task, primarily due to the general non-flatness of the subchannels. From this perspective, we first suggest in this paper an efficient pruned-DFT-based implementation of MIMO to restoring the complex orthogonality and also reduce the complexity of the whole system. Then, we optimize MIMO channel equalization by efficiently separating and equalizing multiple parallel channels using various equalization techniques. The numerical results, presented as MSE versus subcarrier index, show that Pruned DFT technique consistently achieves lower MSE values compared to the standard MIMO FBMC-OQAM across various configurations, which indicates better error performance and its robustness in dynamic channel conditions.}, title={Efficient Pruned-DFT FBMC-OQAM for Performance Enhancement of MIMO Channel Equalization Techniques}, type={Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/133218/PDF-MASTER/18-4732-Jamel-sk.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ijet.2024.152078}, keywords={FBMC-OQAM, MIMO, equalization, MSE, pruned DFT}, }