@ARTICLE{Barszczewski_Jerzy_Assessment_2024, author={Barszczewski, Jerzy and Horaczek, Tomasz and Sakowski, Tomasz}, number={No 63}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, pages={91-101}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of improving the state of hardwood meadows using two methods of overseeding: strip-till and disc seeding (Vredo), with mixtures of grass and legume seeds under diverse pluvial and thermal conditions in eastern and central Poland. The field experiments were conducted in three farms: Zimna Woda (experiment I), Racibory (experiment II), and Ranna (experiment III). The measures to improve permanent grassland (PG) were carried out after the second cut in 2016 and in spring 2017. The effectiveness of both methods was evaluated based on changes in the botanical composition of the sward and the yield of total protein and soluble sugars (PreÅ› and Rogalski, 1997). Positive effects of both methods on the floristic composition were achieved in 2017 in all meadow habitats on mineral soils: brown soils formed from loamy sand (Zimna Woda), proper brown soils (Racibory) on light and medium loam, and alluvial soils on light loam (Ranna). Despite adverse pluvial and thermal conditions, both methods improved the utility value of the sward, increasing the yields of dry matter, protein, and soluble sugars in subsequent years. The study showed that improving the state of PG by overseeding with diploid and tetraploid grass varieties and legume plants is effective, with its level of effectiveness depending on the pluvial and thermal conditions after treatment.}, title={Assessment of the effectiveness of overseeding methods for hardwood meadows under various pluviothermal conditions}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/133338/2024-04-JWLD-11.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2024.151794}, keywords={dry matter yield, effects of overseeding, evaluation of botanical composition, hardwood meadows, protein, soluble sugars}, }