@ARTICLE{Górecki_Krzysztof_Modeling_2024, author={Górecki, Krzysztof and Detka, Kalina}, volume={vol. 73}, number={No 4}, pages={849-867}, journal={Archives of Electrical Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This article proposes a model of an air transformer taking into account the influence of the use of ferrite plates on properties of such a transformer. This model has the form of a subcircuit dedicated for the SPICE software. It takes into account the influence of such parameters as the number of turns of both windings, the distance between them, the parasitic capacitances of the windings and the sizes of the ferrite plates used on the voltage ratio and frequency characteristics of the air transformer. The form of the developed model is described and some results illustrating the practical usefulness of this model are shown. The obtained results of calculations performed with the use of the proposed model are compared with the corresponding measurement results.}, title={Modeling of air transformers integrating ferrite plates for improved performance}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/133377/PDF-MASTER/01_2k.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aee.2024.152099}, keywords={air-core transformer, ferrite plates, modeling, SPICE, wireless power transfer}, }