@ARTICLE{Tang_Hong-Yu_Study_2024, author={Tang, Hong-Yu and Sha, Qu and Xu, De-Zhi}, volume={vol. 73}, number={No 4}, pages={869-890}, journal={Archives of Electrical Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Under the traditional control method, the dual three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (DTP–PMSM) has a harmonic plane with low impedance, and it can produce larger harmonic current. Model predictive control (MPC) has a simple control structure and a good dynamic performance. The MPC is usually used in a high-performance control system of multiphase motors. Aiming at the DTP–PMSM drive system, an improved MPC strategy based on the biplane virtual voltage vector is proposed in this paper. In the proposed biplane MPC scheme, the voltage vector of the α–β plane is virtual to 25 voltage vectors, while the voltage vector of the x–y plane is virtual to zero. At the same time, the voltage vector of the x–y plane is virtual to 25 voltage vectors, while the voltage vector of the α–β plane is virtual to zero. On this basis, the cost function of the biplane is evaluated. The operating time and reference voltage of each vector are calculated. The virtual voltage vector on the α–β plane is used for electromechanical energy conversion to generate the best electromagnetic torque and reduce torque ripple. The virtual voltage vector on the x–y plane is used to suppress the stator current harmonics and improve the efficiency of the DTP–PMSM. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed biplane MPC.}, title={Study on model predictive control of dual three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor based on biplane virtual voltage vector}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/133378/PDF-MASTER/02_2k.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aee.2024.152100}, keywords={biplane, double three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor, harmoniccurrent, model predictive control, virtual voltage vector}, }