@ARTICLE{Behnajady_B._The_2024, author={Behnajady, B. and Moghaddam, J.}, volume={vol. 69}, number={No 4}, pages={1359-1365}, journal={Archives of Metallurgy and Materials}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This research is part of a continuing effort to synthesize copper and zinc arsenates(III) to use as a zinc dust activator in zinc sulphate solution purification. In this paper, the feasibility of synthesizing crystalline, mono-phase zinc and copper arsenates(III) were investigated. Copper and zinc arsenates(III) were prepared by adding their sulphate solutions into arsenious solution obtained by dissolving As2O3 in NaOH aqueous solution. The structure and crystal lattice of the products and amount of the elements in precipitations were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD) and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry(AAS), respectively. Based on the results of XRD in the conditions of NaOH concentration = 1 mol/L, n(OH–)/n(As) = 1:1, n(Cu)/n(As) = 1:2, reaction temperature 90°C and reaction time 8h, a mono-phase crystalline copper arsenate(III) with the chemical composition of Cu(AsO2)2 and tetragonal crystal lattice was synthesized. In these conditions, the yields of arsenic and copper precipitation from the solution were 93.81% and 97.68%, respectively. Based on the XRD results in the conditions of NaOH concentration = 1 L, n(OH–)/n(As) = 1:1, n(Zn)/n(As) = 1:2, reaction temperature 80°C, reaction time 2h and washing pH = 6, a mono-phase crystalline zinc arsenate (III) with the chemical composition of Zn(AsO2)2 and monoclinic crystal lattice was synthesized. In these conditions, the yields of arsenic and zinc extraction from the solution were 77.70% and 46.37%, respectively.}, title={The Synthesis of Crystalline, Mono-Phase Copper and Zinc Arsenates (III)}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/133509/AMM-2024-4-10-Behnajady.pdf}, doi={10.24425/amm.2024.151400}, keywords={Synthesis, Copper Arsenate (III), Zinc Arsenate (III), Crystalline, zinc dust activator}, }