@ARTICLE{Małysa_Ewa_A_2008, author={Małysa, Ewa and Surowiak, Agnieszka}, number={No 4}, pages={53-61}, journal={Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management}, howpublished={online}, year={2008}, publisher={Komitet Zrównoważonej Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi PAN}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={Properties of the froth layer formed in a flotation machine can affect significantly the results of coal flotation. Froth is a product of flotation where concentration of particles ofa useful component occurs. Water enters into the froth layer by surrounding both the bubbles and particles attached to the bubbles. Water content in the flotation froth is an important parameter because it affects significantly both the additional separation, taking place in the froth layer, and the amount of aqueous solution removed together with the collected particles. Therefore, the flotation froths should have a definite stability and water contents. Too much water in the froth layer removed from the flotation machine together with the collected concentrate is disadvantageous because it is an additional load for further processing operations, for example filtration. Moreover, it means also that solution and flotation reagents needed for the flotation process are being removed from the system. A low solution content in froth is unfavorable for the supplementary segregation process. The paper aims at finding a correlation between the coal flotation and water contents in the froth products. The influence of solids concentration in the pulp and flotation time on water contents in froth and coal yields was studied. Flotation tests of coal samples obtained from a jig concentrate were carried out in ca. I dm3 laboratory Denver type flotation machine. The coal samples used in the studies were the jig concentrate of hard coal fines obtained from the industrial processing plant. Low ash contents and good floatability were the characteristic features of the coal used. The influence of the solids content in the pulp and flotation time on yield of the coal concentrate and water recovery in the froth products was studied. It was observed that liquid contents in froth were proportional to the pulp volume. Moreover, it was found that there is a correlation between water content in the froth products and the concentrate yields. Highest water recovery and yield of the coal concentrates were observed for the solids contents of 80 g/dm- for all flotation times studied.}, title={A correlation between water content in froth and flotation results of hard coals}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/133562/PDF-MASTER/6_GSM_24_4_1_2008_Malysa_correlation.pdf}, keywords={Coal flotation, froth, solids contents, water recovery, hard coal}, }