@ARTICLE{Jakštoniene_Inga_Experimental_2024, author={Jakštoniene, Inga and Paliulis, Dainius and Venslovas, Albertas and Plashykhin, Sergii}, volume={50}, number={4}, pages={127-134}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The advanced type of cyclone was applied to separate wood particulate matter from the air. The cyclone was designed in the laboratory of Vilnius TECH. A series of experimental studies was conducted both in the lab and under industrial conditions. These studies aimed to specify the air velocity and aerodynamic resistance in the experimental and pilot six-channel cyclone with spiral casings and curvilinear semi-rings. Air treatment efficiency was also determined. The highest air treatment efficiency achieved using experimental cyclone was 91.4%, while the pilot cyclone achieved an efficiency of 94. 5%. The industrial and experimental cyclones were found to have similar air treatment efficiency}, title={Experimental and pilot model research of spiral cyclone with curvilinear channels}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/133574/PDF/Archives50no4pp127_134.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aep.2024.152902}, keywords={velocity;, chanel;, aerodynamic resistance;, cyclone;, curvilinear semi-ring;, spiral case;}, }