@ARTICLE{Nguyen_Phi_Hung_Solution_2024, author={Nguyen, Phi Hung and Nguyen, Thi Kim Thanh and Pham, Duc Hung and Le, Quang Phuc and Vu, Thai Tien Dung}, volume={vol. 69}, number={No 4}, pages={575-594}, journal={Archives of Mining Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Committee of Mining PAS}, abstract={Vietnam is currently unable to generate nuclear power, and coal still accounts for 32 percent of national energy production. Therefore, mining coal plays a crucial role in the national economy. On the other hand, all open pit coal mines in Quang Ninh will be closed to give the land back to the other industrial section, so the underground mines will be responsible for supporting the entire amount of coal, which is extremely difficult. Therefore, it must mechanise mining to increase output. The research of applicability has been implemented for a long time. Now, Vietnamese workers can operate domestic equipment. However, most mining plans are established from experience and imposed, so this hardly shows the construction reality in the underground mines. Indicators must be manually adjusted to match the previously established documents. This not only causes administrative risks but also wastes time and human resources in handling paperwork, leading to reduced labour productivity indirectly. The key to a mining plan is time, therefore the article analyses the influence of uncertain mining conditions on the construction time. As a result, different working time parameters are determined suitably for different conditions, space, and construction time. The difference between actual construction time and ideal construction time is also made out. The mentioned results are a scientific basis for mine operators to adjust production plans appropriately to the characteristics of underground mines.}, title={Solution to Determine the Working Time at the Mechanised Longwall in the Natural Condition of Quangninh Coal Seam, Vietnam}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/133619/PDF/Archiwum-69-4-02-Nguyen.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ams.2024.152574}, keywords={Width of seam, steep angle, mining plan, longwall, quantity, working time, work efficiency, pause time}, }