@ARTICLE{Mielcarek_Paweł_Synchronized_2024, author={Mielcarek, Paweł and Piekarczyk, Anna}, volume={Vol. 15}, number={No 4}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={The aim of this article is to analyze and describe the relation between implemented new technologies and achieved effects of digital transformation process of the supply chains (DSC). The presented research covers seven technologies and solutions used for DSC, as compared with eleven effects of transformation process. Main finding of this paper is that for DSC transformation the most important technologies are synchronized scheduling (with mean of 3.993 in five-point scale) and flexible and dynamic order processing (mean of 3.986). Further more, both technologies showed highest correlations with the effects of DSC transformation process. Moreover, based on the results of factor analysis, we claim that only a decisive and comprehensive introduction of technologies related to the digital transformation of supply chains can give positive effects, while a partial implementation of DSC technologies may even worsen the company’s results. The presented research allows for a better understanding of the context that determines DSC transformation, especially in the case of applied technologies and achieved effects of operations, as well as complex interdependencies between analyzed items of each variable. The results can provide foundations for digital transformation strategy of supply chains.}, title={Synchronized Scheduling and Order Processing as the Leverageo f Digital Supply Chain Transformation Process}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/134007/PDF-MASTER/1063_3k.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mper.2024.153112}, keywords={supply chain management, digital supply chain, transformation, process, technology, effects}, }