@ARTICLE{Hunek_Robert_Reduction_2025, author={Hunek, Robert and Franus, Wojciech}, volume={51}, number={1}, pages={45-56}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2025}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={A disadvantage of many commonly used impregnants and resins is their high toxicity, related to the presence of harmful aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in their composition. VOCs account for a relatively large approx. 30% portion in the synthetic resins industry. One idea for reducing or eliminating VOCs from the production of resins, paints is the use of high-quality intermediates and biodegradable raw materials. A perspective on novel approaches to protecting concrete surfaces was presented, involving a concept of using two types of higher fatty acids for this purpose: stearic acid (STA) and methyl esters (ME). Recent technological advancements have centered on vegetable oil feedstocks for industrial applications. This is due to their suitability for industrial production of agents, as they substitute non-renewable hydrocarbons. The cited tests confirm the hydrophobic nature of coatings formed using STA and ME on various materials. From the analysis of the literature, it appears that the study of anticorrosion coatings with biodegradable admixtures, i.e. higher fatty acids, should be developed because of their promising results in efficiency, reduction of toxic substances (VOCs) and their impact on the environment.}, title={Reduction of Epoxy Resin VOCs Using Higher Fatty Acids from the Agricultural Industry: A Review}, type={Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/134077/PDF/Archives%20vol%2051%20no%201%20045-056%20LR.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aep.2025.153748}, keywords={coating, durability, stearic acid, volatile organic compounds voc, methyl ester}, }