@ARTICLE{Musztyfaga-Staszuk_M.M._Transmission_2025, author={Musztyfaga-Staszuk, M.M. and Panek, P. and Czupryński, A. and Mele, C.}, volume={Accepted articles}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2025}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The intriguing aspect of the research involves acquiring experimental results related to engineering processes at low temperatures. One could mention the demonstrated relationship between the manufacturing method and the enhancement of the metallic component's quality by reducing the resistance at the junction between this front component and the substrate. Investigations were performed into two series of samples, which were applied to two experimental copper pastes for manufacture front metallization. The process of manufacturing front elements was performed at low temperature. The results of the electrical investigations were then compared to those obtained in a high-temperature range using commercial silver pastes. The temperature interval from 500 to 1000 °C can be considered typical for the thick-layer co-firing process, while temperatures lower than 200 °C can be considered typical for hetero-junction technology. TLM method can be used to collect data and information used in the technological process of their production. Based on the conducted experiments, it can be concluded that the test results obtained are comparable. The method of TLM transmission lines applied is of interest to various research centres, groups of specialists, and designers of measuring instruments dealing with monitoring changes in the values of electrical parameters.}, title={Transmission Line Model Measurements of Metal-Semiconductor Contacts}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/134142/PDF/AFE%201_2025_05.pdf}, doi={10.24425/afe.2025.153772}, keywords={Transmission line model (TLM), Semiconductor structure, Front contact/metallization}, }