@ARTICLE{Plucinski_Wojciech_Evaluation_2025, author={Plucinski, Wojciech and Malecha, Ziemowit and Tomczuk, Krzysztof}, volume={vol. 74}, pages={227–245}, journal={Archives of Electrical Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2025}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This paper presents an original method for defining the magnetization characteristics of a 50% iron-nickel alloy as functions of ambient temperature. The presented method, based on Jiles–Atherton theory, reduces the cost and time needed to build a multifactor theoretical model of a ferromagnetic material in relation to temperature. The determination of the J-A equation parameters, which are crucial to obtain theoretical magnetization characteristics that are consistent with the real ones, is always challenging due to the imperfection of the J-A model. The authors focused on determining the temperature dependent magnetization characteristics DC in the range of low magnetic field strength. Based on the results of the experiment, the relationships between temperature and parameters of the basic J-Amodelwere determined and discussed. The study was carried out for a wide temperature range often specified for high-performance electrical or electromechanical devices. The data presented and the method described can be successfully used to build Multiphysics models of magnetic phenomena. Based on the available knowledge, material data for the 50% Fe–Ni alloy, treated without a H2 reducing atmosphere, has not yet been published in the universal form presented by the authors. The presented data and relationships between physical quantities were verified and confirmed experimentally. The presented measurement method is consistent with the industry standard IEC 60404-4.}, title={Evaluation of the influence of temperaturę on the parameters of the Jiles–Atherton model and magnetization curves of a 50% Fe–Ni type alloy}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/134184/PDF-MASTER/12.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aee.2025.153021}, keywords={50% Fe–Ni, Jiles–Atherton model, magnetic hysteresis, soft magnetic material}, }