@ARTICLE{HRYB_Magdalena_Attribute_2025, author={HRYB, Magdalena and PAWLACZYK, MichaƂ and Zhou, Jiehan and MAJCHRZAK, Joanna}, volume={No 1 - preprint}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2025}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={The purpose of this work is to present a concept of a methodology in the area of Attribute Agreement Analysis. The study was conducted using the process control of decorative paper (laminate) for furniture applications. The specificity of decorative paper quality control inspired the authors to propose a modification of the classical cross-tabulation method with the Cohen's Kappa coefficient, enabling the consideration of a multi-variant reference standard (mvREF). The results show that the proposed approach can solve the problem of the necessity of using the multi-variant reference standard (mvREF). To illustrate the proposed approach, a numerical example is used. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach is useful for Attribute Agreement Analysis.}, title={Attribute Agreement Analysis With The Multi-Variant Reference Standard}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/134190/PDF-MASTER/art_1262_525_MPER_1_2025_HRYB.pdf}, keywords={knowledge management, decision making, visual inspection, quality control, Level of Agreement, Attribute Agreement Analysis (AAA), Measurement System Analysis (MSA)}, }