@ARTICLE{ISMARTAYA_Kristian_Investigation_2025, author={ISMARTAYA, Kristian and LIMANTA, Dimitri Manggala and NUGRAHA, Aditya and SUKWADI, Ronald and YANG, Ching-Chow}, volume={No 1 - preprint}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2025}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={Aerospace components use AMS 5643 stainless steel as a raw material. Material toughness and hardness are challenges in the roughing machining process on CNC lathes. We designed experiments combining Taguchi-Response Surface Method to optimize multi-response: cycle time, material removal rate, and cutting power. This study uses CAM Espirit TNG and Celos Tech software simulations as an experimental approach. Confirmation test results show that changing process parameters in simulation software is able to produce a response that is close to reality. This research succeeded in identifying the contribution of machining process factors and finding parameters with optimal multi-response.}, title={Investigation of CNC Lathe Machining Parameters for AMS 5643 using Taguchi-RSM with CAM Simulation Approach}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/134192/PDF-MASTER/art_1135_370_MPER_1_2025_ISMARTAYA.pdf}, keywords={Aerospace component, AMS 5643, CAM simulation, Optimization, Taguchi-RSM}, }