@ARTICLE{Krzywda_Roman_Simulations, author={Krzywda, Roman and Wrzesińska, Bogumiła}, volume={Accepted articles}, pages={e84}, journal={Chemical and Process Engineering: New Frontiers}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering}, abstract={The aim of the work was to investigate the possibility of advanced fractionation of plastic waste pyrolytic oil into products corresponding to classic fuels. Typically, fractionation is limited to two-stage condensation. The paper proposes a new approach by using an innovative configuration of the fractionation unit. Due to the similarity of pyrolytic and crude oil chemical composition, advanced fractionation based on crude oil processing methods has been investigated. The ChemCad package was used to model and analyse different pyrolytic oil fractionation strategies. First, the use of a classic two-column oil rectification installation for fractionation of pyrolytic oil was simulated. It was found that a classic installation is not advisable due to the different boiling temperature ranges of both feeds. However, a small addition of pyrolytic oil to crude oil feed, as 10%, does not cause a significant change in the products and is worth further research. Two simplified cases of a modified rectification installation were also proposed. The obtained products were compared to typical crude oil fractions, and regarding boiling temperature ranges and some properties, a great similarity to Naphtha, Kerosene, and Diesel was found. Fractionation in the proposed rectification unit is a promising way for pyrolytic oil processing.}, title={Simulations of multi-stage fractionation of waste plastic pyrolytic oil in a rectification plant based on crude oil processing system}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/134222/e84_CPE-00203-2024-02-Accepted%20Article.pdf}, doi={10.24425/cpe.2025.153669}, keywords={plastic waste pyrolysis, pyrolytic oil, fractionation, rectification, process simulation}, }