@ARTICLE{Stelmachowski_Marek_Thermal_2012, author={Stelmachowski, Marek and Słowiński, Krzysztof}, number={No 1 March}, journal={Chemical and Process Engineering}, pages={185-198}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering}, abstract={Results of the investigation of thermal degradation of polyolefins in the laboratory-scale set-up reactors are presented in the paper. Melting and cracking processes were carried out in two different types of reactors at the temperature of 390-420°C. This article presents the results obtained for conversion of polyolefin waste in a reactor with a stirrer. Next, they were compared with the results obtained for the process carried out in a reactor with a molten metal bed, which was described in a previous publication. For both processes, the final product consisted of a gaseous (2-16 % mass) and a liquid (84-98 % mass) part. No solid product was produced. The light, "gasoline" fraction of the liquid hydrocarbons mixture (C4-C10) made up over 50% of the liquid product. The overall (vapor) product may be used for electricity generation and the liquid product for fuel production.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Thermal and thermo-catalytic conversion of waste polyolefins to fuel-like mixture of hydrocarbons}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/84704/PDF/16-ZS-paper-Stelmachowski.pdf}, doi={10.2478/v10176-012-0016-z}, keywords={waste polyolefins, waste to fuels, energy and raw materials recycling, thermal degradation of waste}, }